
Industry's Largest Integration Library

We streamline all your workflows and processes by integrating industry-leading building hardware and property or enterprise software right into the Cohesion unified platform.With our implementation team, you can rest assured that we do the heavy lifting when it comes to your integrations. Unlike others, we don’t outsource or hire a third party to complete integrations.

Our team consults directly with your vendors and becomes a Certified Partner to create reliable technology you can depend on.Our in-house integration approach coupled with our native Cohesion IoT platform, allows you to acquire data in real-time from every connected device in your building. Our technology contextualizes, normalizes, and structures this data into actionable insights so you can make informed decisions about your buildings.

Connect more systems with a ever growing integration library

Certified Partner Integrations
Data Points Collected Daily, Per Building
14 Days
launch for Partner Integrations
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What Are The Benefits Of Integrated IoT In A
Smart Building Platform?

After joining the Cohesion Partner Program, you get access to sales, training, support, and marketing resources to set your clients up to succeed and help your company grow and stand out in the industry.

Real Time Data Management

get access to immediate, up-to-date information that helps you make timely and informed business decisions.

Enhanced efficiency through automation

use automation to leverage IoT and take action based on the accumulated data. One example would be setting up a more efficient preventive maintenance program that enables a more proactive approach.

Robust Reporting Capabilities

generate data driven reports that deliver more insight into your operation. Detect trends that impact your business now and into the future.

Real Time Data Management

get access to immediate, up-to-date information that helps you make timely and informed business decisions.

Enhanced efficiency through automation

use automation to leverage IoT and take action based on the accumulated data. One example would be setting up a more efficient preventive maintenance program that enables a more proactive approach.


Why Certification Matters

API and SDK-level integrations offer the ability to engage multiple systems simultaneously in a Single User Flow and to create more seamless experiences. They provide bi-directional interactions with systems and deliver far richer data about those interactions to drive more actionable insights.​And, most importantly, they “just work” for the people using these solutions in commercial buildings every day. That’s why Cohesion is continually adding to our library of API level integrations to ensure we’re creating the most engaging, seamless and data-rich building experiences in commercial real-estate.​

Let's Connect

Enhance security, improve comfort, increase efficiency, communicate better, and personalize the human experience. That’s power through Cohesion, your unified smart real estate software platform for commercial and enterprise.