October 30, 2022

October Product Updates: Building Unique Features to Help Buildings Manage the Different Ways Companies Are Returning to Office

Chad Flores

With fall in full swing, Cohesion has launched new features to help buildings manage the different ways companies are returning to office by bringing employees together for events, team gatherings, and creating a flexible workspace for hybrid employees. Additionally, our digital operations tools allow landlords and operators to offer their space as a service to the public, such as using lounges as external event venues or very short term rentals. This means that the beautiful architecture of office buildings can be used by non-building tenants. 

Event Guest Management  

Designed for a simple and integrated experience, Cohesion’s Event Guest Management allows the event host to manage their list of attendees and provide them with easy access to the event space. Building management can add an event host as a temporary tenant with secure access credentials to the event floor, common spaces, or amenity spaces most widely used for events. With access to the Cohesion platform, event hosts can register guests for the event with convenient bulk upload, or individually as the list of attendees grow.

Leading up to the event, event guests automatically receive confirmation and pre-event emails with unique visitor access QR-codes, enabling a seamless lobby and elevator access to your smart building. The attendee guest list and insights into event space utilization are all available from the Cohesion platform to help with planning future building events. Cohesion helps landlords and operators make the most of amenities and realize event revenue opportunities through event guest management.   

Flex Space  

Cohesion launched Flex Space to foster community and collaboration for any employee that works at the building. According to a Mckinsey study, workplace flexibility is the #1 factor in employees returning to the office.1 Cohesion Flex Space provides the ability to find a “hot desk” at the office, conveniently book it from your mobile phone, and receive credentialed access to necessary space. Management can setup any space as a flexible space and organize the “hot desks” by floor, section, or team function. Important notes about workspace equipment are detailed in the listing for each available desk. Hybrid workers coming semi-regularly can be issued access to the building with Cohesion’s one-touch mobile keycard experience. Traveling workers or coworking visitors may receive auto-generated QR codes for seamless access direct to their email inboxes.  

Along with the combination of Cohesion’s smart building features, a Flex Space user can book and access parking at the building, control the temperature of the space (feature coming soon!), reserve a fitness class, order lunch at a restaurant in the building, and even find a nearby happy hour - all from the Cohesion app. A remote worker traveling or a hybrid worker returning to the office to collaborate with their team, can make their experience at the office productive and engaging with Flex Space.  

Amenities Filters Update 

The Amenities filter comes with rich set of filter and search features to help users find the best reservable space to meet their needs. This feature has been enhanced to allow filtering by date, status, or name and is stored throughout your search process. This enables a more convenient experience for anyone looking to book the perfect space at the building.  

Service Request Statuses 

The Service Request feature now has simplified statuses that work perfectly with any existing status to improve how maintenance management teams can report on critical metrics like “time to close” for all requests. Simplified status updates also enable better reporting to tenant companies and employees making open requests. By aggregating service requests by status, management teams can easily scale their operational reporting on open and closed work across a portfolio of smart buildings.  

Genetec Visitors Integration 

Following the launch of our newest Genetec access control system integration, we have also launched Genetec Visitor functionality. Now customers with existing Genetec access control systems at their buildings have integrated access to the most popular Cohesion features like Visitor Management for automated emails with simple, secure QR code powered access to the building and spaces they need. Cohesion’s portfolio of smart access control integrations continues to grow and is the largest native access control library in the industry. We don’t use 3rd party partners, so that our customers can retain the best data and insights on occupancy.   

Thyssen-Krupp Elevators (TKE) Integration 

Cohesion now offers mobile access integration with TKE elevators as a Certified TKE partner. Any Cohesion user at a building with TKE elevators can automatically dispatch an elevator to their home floor when entering from the lobby and call an elevator to available floors from their mobile app for a truly touchless, smart building experience.   

Datawatch Occupancy Update 

Earlier this summer Cohesion launched Datawatch one-touch mobile keycard feature. As an enhancement to this integration, Cohesion customers with Datawatch access control get real time occupancy insights automatically. The insights normalize people occupancy data and visualize them on the Occupancy Insights Dashboard feature in app. Now management has an easy-to-understand occupancy trends over time, what day and time of day of the week most busy, and what tenant company are people from in the building.   

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